Daily Gratitude

It’s that time of year….when we attempt to put our lives into perspective and think of the positives. The things we are thankful for usually go in the same order, family, friends, health, career etc. This year I’m sure many of us are feeling torn because much of our world is falling apart in various ways. On one hand, we want to see the good, but on the other hand, it’s sometimes quite hard to find it. Though not always easy, I believe that having the mindset of being thankful at all times can really change your life. The three areas I have seen this affect my own life is my attitude, my relationships, and my emotional state.
While teaching middle school, we as teachers always taught our students that their attitude would determine their actions. It’s really true that if you approach a task, even one you do not want to do, with a positive attitude, the action is much easier, and even smoother. During a pandemic, it’s very hard to have an attitude of gratitude. Wearing a mask all day during your job, or even while you’re trying to shop in the food store is not enjoyable. It can be hot, uncomfortable, and cause you to break out within minutes. I am not necessarily thankful for any of those things; however, if I go to the store with the mindset of, I am thankful that I can go to the store during a pandemic and buy what I need while protecting the well being of the humans around me. My attitude will change my actions. I will smile at people (with my eyes, of course), and greet people happily because my mindset is positive. And attitude is contagious!
I have my husband to thank for this one. But seriously. Since we have been married, he has always thanked me for seemingly minuscule tasks. “Thanks for washing the dishes tonight.” Or “Thanks for making me lunch today.” I know. I got a good one. His gratitude for small things makes a big difference to me. I am more willing to do those dishes when my actions are noticed and appreciated. I try to do the same thing in return. Think about how this could improve relationships in your life. It doesn’t have to be marital, it could be a friendship or even a professional relationship. Stop thinking about yourself and all that you are doing and thank the people around you for how they are affecting your life every day.
Emotional State
As a mother of a toddler, emotions are discussed daily around here. My son has a lot of feelings. They change often. As an adult though, this can be dangerous water. Especially when it feels like our world is in a constant state of chaos, how can we be stable? Similar to attitude, staying thankful can help keep your emotions stable. Even though there is a pandemic, I am thankful that so many health workers are ready to help when someone is sick. Even though it feels like this job will never change or isn’t right, I am thankful that we have this job right now. During the past year or two, a lot of my life felt like it was unsettled, so I started keeping a list of the positives. I was able to depend on that list of positives when I felt uneasy. My perspective of gratitude helped to steer me in the right direction and not lose sight of the good in my life.
So, when you’re asked at your Thanksgiving feast, “what are you thankful for?” Don’t go through the general topics that everyone already knows. Think about the daily things that really do make your life wonderful. And truly, it is a wonderful life.
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