Author: Grace

Irish Soda Bread

Irish Soda Bread

Fun Fact: Irish Soda Bread is named as such because the only rising agent involved is the baking soda. Typically, when you think bread you think yeast – but not for this one. Irish Soda Bread falls into the “quick breads” category because it requires 

Beef Stroganoff

Beef Stroganoff

Today is your last day on earth. You get to pick your favorite meal to eat before you go. What is it? Tough choice when you’re a lover of food. If I had to pick a meal (other than pizza of course) to have as 

Beefy Cheesy Noodles

Beefy Cheesy Noodles

It’s the middle of winter and you just want pasta. All the time. You definitely want pasta covered in beef and cheese. Swimsuit season is still far off. Let’s just bring on all the pasta. Enter- the beefy cheesy noodles. I grew up eating Hamburger 

Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake

Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake

Valentine’s Day is a controversial holiday. Some people love to love all the love and others think it is an annoying holiday to remind you just how single you are. Either way, it’s a great day for chocolate. And dessert. And loving yourself by eating 

Pretzel Bites

Pretzel Bites

As the big game approaches, the biggest question on all of our minds is what appetizers are we making? Even if you’re celebrating the grand football day solo, you can still snack on some pretzel bites. Best served with mustard or beer cheese, you will 



When you are pressed for time, this is the recipe you need in your life. Make a large batch of this mujadarrah, have it for dinner and have some leftovers for the rest of the week. I started making this for my toddler. Lentils are 

Meal Planning to Reduce Food Waste

Meal Planning to Reduce Food Waste

We all start the year off with big dreams and impressive goals. One of mine for 2021 is that I’d like to throw less food out. Did you know nearly 40% of the US food supply is wasted each year? I definitely end up tossing my 



Pancakes were my greatest baking struggle. I could not make pancakes. Even from the box. I would somehow find a way to burn them while also leaving the inside raw. Enter pandemic. We were home a lot. We needed to eat a lot of breakfasts. 



This year I’ll essentially be serving two “main courses” at my Christmas dinner. We will be having ham and also raviolis! Is that a weird combo…maybe. The people want ham but I am not among those people. I also find ham to be very unexciting 

Pecan Praline Cookies

Pecan Praline Cookies

There are only two or three cookie recipes that I remember making every single year growing up and these were one of them. As I kid, these were not a favorite (more on my picky eating struggles at another time) but now I really enjoy