Author: Shannon

Fresh Whipped Cream and Berry Compote

Fresh Whipped Cream and Berry Compote

So, Grace and I have realized that according to our blog content, we love breakfast. I wouldn’t dispute this at all, but lately every day breakfast is a struggle. If I can step up my breakfast to feel more like an exciting brunch….wow…my day is 

Sausage Tortellini Soup

Sausage Tortellini Soup

March. The month that messes with all of our emotions here in NJ. We are itching for spring but winter is usually still lingering. I was in the mood for soup on this cold day, so I decided to make something delicious since soup season 

Raspberry Lemon Hand Pies

Raspberry Lemon Hand Pies

I appreciate all excuses to eat sweets, so Valentine’s day is a happy day for me. Sometimes I am on chocolate overload, so I decided to share a fun recipe that doesn’t have chocolate but is still very yummy. How about you? Are you a 

Buffalo Chicken Dip

Buffalo Chicken Dip

Well, my Packers didn’t make it. Again. Rough loss, but we will carry on. So, who are you rooting for? I’m going Bengals this year because it’s fun to watch a new quarter back who isn’t afraid to play. Rawr. Anyway, what do we actually 

Best Beef Tacos

Best Beef Tacos

Taco Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. I’m happy to have tacos on any day! I always love Asian food, but Mexican is a close second for me. My favorite Mexican restaurant is a place that I have basically committed my life to. I love their enchiladas 

Spinach Cheese Puffs

Spinach Cheese Puffs

Between New Year’s and Super bowl parties, appetizers and small bites take over the whole meal scene. I love a variety, so having a day of appetizers is the perfect party for me. Though, it takes a lot more time to make ten different dishes 

Lentil Vegetable Soup

Lentil Vegetable Soup

The magic of the holidays has faded and now we are on to resolutions, organization, and eating healthy! January can be a difficult month after the high of Christmas-time. I’m sinking into the winter blues, but trying to stay positive amidst the chaos! One way 

Nut Horn Cookies

Nut Horn Cookies

We all have those family recipes that are made annually, especially around Christmas time. I’ve been in serious cookie mode, so what better time than now to share my family’s go-to cookie of December? Also, can we talk about how Christmas is two days away?! 

Gingerbread Meringue Cake With Frosted Cranberries

Gingerbread Meringue Cake With Frosted Cranberries

These are a few of my favorite things…some recipes are just special and only belong on the table in the month of December. This is one of those recipes. A couple years ago, I was searching for something festive and different for Christmas Eve with 

Cranberry Orange Scones

Cranberry Orange Scones

For a long time, scones were too scary to attempt. They’re not a cookie, but they’re not bread. They’re almost a biscuit, but not really at all. Eventually, I decided to try them. The first time I made them for my eighth grade class when