

Memorial day is around the corner and I am fully in grilling mode. It’s time to eat all our meals outside and forget about all of the pots and pans on the hot stove. When it’s nice and warm outside, I just want to soak 



I may be jumping the gun again, but lately the spring weather is putting me in the mood for burgers and tacos. I need the grill going and vegetables overflowing. Bright flavors and outdoor dining. Sounds heavenly. Anyone else ready to join? Guacamole was my 

Buffalo Chicken Dip

Buffalo Chicken Dip

Well, my Packers didn’t make it. Again. Rough loss, but we will carry on. So, who are you rooting for? I’m going Bengals this year because it’s fun to watch a new quarter back who isn’t afraid to play. Rawr. Anyway, what do we actually 

Pretzel Bites

Pretzel Bites

As the big game approaches, the biggest question on all of our minds is what appetizers are we making? Even if you’re celebrating the grand football day solo, you can still snack on some pretzel bites. Best served with mustard or beer cheese, you will 

Spinach Cheese Puffs

Spinach Cheese Puffs

Between New Year’s and Super bowl parties, appetizers and small bites take over the whole meal scene. I love a variety, so having a day of appetizers is the perfect party for me. Though, it takes a lot more time to make ten different dishes