Pumpkin Scones

Pumpkin Scones

These pumpkin scones are the perfect amount of sweet. Without the icing they are a little boring but once you add the icing it compliments them and makes them a little more dessert than breakfast. Or a dessert for breakfast? As scones go they are 

Fresh Whipped Cream and Berry Compote

Fresh Whipped Cream and Berry Compote

So, Grace and I have realized that according to our blog content, we love breakfast. I wouldn’t dispute this at all, but lately every day breakfast is a struggle. If I can step up my breakfast to feel more like an exciting brunch….wow…my day is 



Pancakes were my greatest baking struggle. I could not make pancakes. Even from the box. I would somehow find a way to burn them while also leaving the inside raw. Enter pandemic. We were home a lot. We needed to eat a lot of breakfasts. 

Easy Frittata

Easy Frittata

Sometimes you need something easy for breakfast…in fact, most mornings I need something easy for breakfast. I’m a big fan of a hot meal in the morning and not so keen on the yogurt/cereal fare. However, most mornings, especially pre-coffee, I’m just not mentally ready 

Cranberry Orange Scones

Cranberry Orange Scones

For a long time, scones were too scary to attempt. They’re not a cookie, but they’re not bread. They’re almost a biscuit, but not really at all. Eventually, I decided to try them. The first time I made them for my eighth grade class when 

Perfect Pumpkin and Sweet Cream Cheese Muffins

Perfect Pumpkin and Sweet Cream Cheese Muffins

October is in full force here and I am here for it. Even on warmer days, the nights have a good chill. I am taking out all of my warm socks and sweaters. I just adore this time of year. The most beautiful colors surround 

Fall French Toast

Fall French Toast

Eggs, cereal, oatmeal, repeat… it can get old and bland sometimes. Starting the day with the same few items can really set the tone for your day. For some reason, this feels even more true when you’re not leaving the house to go to work.