Meal Planning to Reduce Food Waste

Meal Planning to Reduce Food Waste

We all start the year off with big dreams and impressive goals. One of mine for 2021 is that I’d like to throw less food out. Did you know nearly 40% of the US food supply is wasted each year? I definitely end up tossing my 

DIY Face Mask

DIY Face Mask

With the holidays quickly approaching I thought I would share how I make face masks so you can create your own festive mask to wear to any and all of your gatherings! What You’ll Need Outside Fabric: A pattern or something fun to show the 

Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude

It’s that time of year….when we attempt to put our lives into perspective and think of the positives. The things we are thankful for usually go in the same order, family, friends, health, career etc. This year I’m sure many of us are feeling torn 

Fall Cookies

Fall Cookies

One of this year’s many quarantine goals was/is getting better at decorating desserts. I can confidently say that I’m good at the making it taste great part of baking but decorating those tasty treats has needed some work. My biggest challenge this year was making 

To Trick or to Treat

To Trick or to Treat

Trick or treat? I mean, who doesn’t prefer the treat? I’m about to go buy a large pack of Reese’s peanut butter cups for myself since trick-or-treating doesn’t seem to be happening this year. Plus, I’m a little old for it now I suppose. When 

7 Steps to Start Packing for a Move

7 Steps to Start Packing for a Move

I may be the minority when I say that this is my first real move. Like taking everything in my life from one place and moving it to another. I don’t think college counts. Even then I would fill garbage bags and laundry baskets with 

Launch Day

Launch Day

Welcome to Two Friendly Hosts! We’re so happy you’re here on launch day. We’re Grace & Shannon and we have lots of great things planned for this blog. We are looking forward to sharing our cooking, hosting and homemaking experiences with you. For the month of October, we