Beef Stroganoff

Beef Stroganoff

Today is your last day on earth. You get to pick your favorite meal to eat before you go. What is it? Tough choice when you’re a lover of food. If I had to pick a meal (other than pizza of course) to have as 

Sausage Tortellini Soup

Sausage Tortellini Soup

March. The month that messes with all of our emotions here in NJ. We are itching for spring but winter is usually still lingering. I was in the mood for soup on this cold day, so I decided to make something delicious since soup season 

Beefy Cheesy Noodles

Beefy Cheesy Noodles

It’s the middle of winter and you just want pasta. All the time. You definitely want pasta covered in beef and cheese. Swimsuit season is still far off. Let’s just bring on all the pasta. Enter- the beefy cheesy noodles. I grew up eating Hamburger 



When you are pressed for time, this is the recipe you need in your life. Make a large batch of this mujadarrah, have it for dinner and have some leftovers for the rest of the week. I started making this for my toddler. Lentils are 

Best Beef Tacos

Best Beef Tacos

Taco Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. I’m happy to have tacos on any day! I always love Asian food, but Mexican is a close second for me. My favorite Mexican restaurant is a place that I have basically committed my life to. I love their enchiladas 

Lentil Vegetable Soup

Lentil Vegetable Soup

The magic of the holidays has faded and now we are on to resolutions, organization, and eating healthy! January can be a difficult month after the high of Christmas-time. I’m sinking into the winter blues, but trying to stay positive amidst the chaos! One way 



Pancakes were my greatest baking struggle. I could not make pancakes. Even from the box. I would somehow find a way to burn them while also leaving the inside raw. Enter pandemic. We were home a lot. We needed to eat a lot of breakfasts. 



This year I’ll essentially be serving two “main courses” at my Christmas dinner. We will be having ham and also raviolis! Is that a weird combo…maybe. The people want ham but I am not among those people. I also find ham to be very unexciting 

Thanksgiving Turkey

Thanksgiving Turkey

Only one week till Turkey Day! If you haven’t bought your frozen bird now is the time! The turkey is the centerpiece, the oven hog and some would argue the most delicious part of Thanksgiving. Read on for a foolproof way to ensure your turkey 

Crock-Pot Turkey Breast

Crock-Pot Turkey Breast

The iconic Thanksgiving turkey. There’s nothing like it. Right? I mean can you compare a Christmas ham to Thanksgiving turkey? Or is it Easter ham? I don’t know. All I know is this is a meal I look forward to for months, and now that