Sicilian Pizza

Sicilian Pizza

Golden, crunchy, fluffy crust topped with sauce and cheese. While I love making pizza at home, it is often my go-to takeout food and doesn’t get made very frequently. I can easily call up about 10 pizzerias in my area (the joy of living in 

Shrimp Scampi

Shrimp Scampi

It’s no secret that we love pasta here. And just because it’s spring doesn’t mean we have to let go of our favorite comfort food! There are so many ways to make pasta in a bright, fresh form that it can still hit that spot 



Memorial day is around the corner and I am fully in grilling mode. It’s time to eat all our meals outside and forget about all of the pots and pans on the hot stove. When it’s nice and warm outside, I just want to soak 

Classic Tortellini Salad

Classic Tortellini Salad

I think I’ve been talking about summer for weeks. Finally, the real kick off to summer is here! Memorial day weekend. Somehow, NJ has decided it’s actually winter again. We are having a chilly and very wet weekend. I really didn’t want to turn the 

Burger Buns

Burger Buns

Enjoy these delicious burger buns for more than just burgers! More Recipes You’ll Love:

Tomato Sauce

Tomato Sauce

Is it sauce or gravy? That is the question amongst American-Italian families in New Jersey and maybe elsewhere but I don’t get out much. Until growing up I had never even heard of delicious crushed and seasoned tomatoes being called gravy. Gravy was a brown 

Cheesy Potatoes

Cheesy Potatoes

Memorial day is around the corner and I am pretty committed to the outdoor cooking life. My husband may not be as big of a fan since I mostly prep the food and he does the actual grilling. However, since we moved, we have not 

Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Roasted Sweet Potatoes

It’s been a week. Anyone else with me on that one? Some challenges have been thrown my way and with that, my brain is just scrambled. I always say that perspective is everything. So, I keep reminding myself of that amidst a slight storm in 

Greek Style Quinoa Salad

Greek Style Quinoa Salad

Quinoa. We can’t pronounce it correctly, but we know it’s good for us. My problem is always what do I do with it? How do you make it taste good so you actually want to eat it? Quinoa salads have become very popular, and I 



I may be jumping the gun again, but lately the spring weather is putting me in the mood for burgers and tacos. I need the grill going and vegetables overflowing. Bright flavors and outdoor dining. Sounds heavenly. Anyone else ready to join? Guacamole was my