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Best Beef Tacos

Best Beef Tacos

Taco Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. I’m happy to have tacos on any day! I always love Asian food, but Mexican is a close second for me. My favorite Mexican restaurant is a place that I have basically committed my life to. I love their enchiladas 

Spinach Cheese Puffs

Spinach Cheese Puffs

Between New Year’s and Super bowl parties, appetizers and small bites take over the whole meal scene. I love a variety, so having a day of appetizers is the perfect party for me. Though, it takes a lot more time to make ten different dishes 

Lentil Vegetable Soup

Lentil Vegetable Soup

The magic of the holidays has faded and now we are on to resolutions, organization, and eating healthy! January can be a difficult month after the high of Christmas-time. I’m sinking into the winter blues, but trying to stay positive amidst the chaos! One way 

Meal Planning to Reduce Food Waste

Meal Planning to Reduce Food Waste

We all start the year off with big dreams and impressive goals. One of mine for 2021 is that I’d like to throw less food out. Did you know nearly 40% of the US food supply is wasted each year? I definitely end up tossing my 



Pancakes were my greatest baking struggle. I could not make pancakes. Even from the box. I would somehow find a way to burn them while also leaving the inside raw. Enter pandemic. We were home a lot. We needed to eat a lot of breakfasts. 

Nut Horn Cookies

Nut Horn Cookies

We all have those family recipes that are made annually, especially around Christmas time. I’ve been in serious cookie mode, so what better time than now to share my family’s go-to cookie of December? Also, can we talk about how Christmas is two days away?! 



This year I’ll essentially be serving two “main courses” at my Christmas dinner. We will be having ham and also raviolis! Is that a weird combo…maybe. The people want ham but I am not among those people. I also find ham to be very unexciting 

Gingerbread Meringue Cake With Frosted Cranberries

Gingerbread Meringue Cake With Frosted Cranberries

These are a few of my favorite things…some recipes are just special and only belong on the table in the month of December. This is one of those recipes. A couple years ago, I was searching for something festive and different for Christmas Eve with 

Pecan Praline Cookies

Pecan Praline Cookies

There are only two or three cookie recipes that I remember making every single year growing up and these were one of them. As I kid, these were not a favorite (more on my picky eating struggles at another time) but now I really enjoy 

Gingerbread Cookies

Gingerbread Cookies

When you think Christmas cookie…you think Gingerbread. Or is that just me? As much as I love all Christmas cookies nothing quite gets me in the mood for the festive season like these delicious little friends. I’ve made many gingerbread cookie recipes where the dough